Biblical Counseling
The Truth of God's Word and the issues of life
Freedom Fellowship
has Certified Biblical Counselors
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable
for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
for training in righteousness; so that the man
of God may be adequate,
equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NASB)
Contact Freedom Fellowship Kaukauna
for details. 920-462-3862
Women's Prayer
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Meeting the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Freedom Fellowship 112 Main Ave Kaukauna, WI
Miscarriage and Infant Loss
Someone to listen, care, and pray
Freedom Fellowship and LIFT Women's Ministry care about hurting women and families who have suffered the loss of a baby. We desire to honor babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death and regretted abortion by offering a listening ear, prayer, certificates of remembrance and compassion. Please contact Mary by email or message her on facebook for information.
LIFT Pregnancy Loss Ministry
Certificates and Keepsake Roses
LIFT Women's Ministry offers certificates of remembrance and keepsake roses in honor of babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, newborn death, and regretted abortion.
Please contact Mary by email or
message her on facebook for information.
“What Christmas means for Biblical Womanhood” parts 1&2
Teachers: Sunny Churchill & Sanette Fleming
Humans are hardwired for awe.
Whether it’s the Grand Canyon, a beautiful work of art, or the birth of a baby, we love to be amazed. But there’s something—or Someone, rather—who surpasses all others: God himself.
Helping us kindle an ever-growing passion for God’s glory, this book by popular author Paul David Tripp reminds us of the importance of awe for shaping everything we choose, decide, think, desire, say, and do. Reflecting on how awe for God impacts our approach to spiritual warfare, ministry, material things, and more, Tripp will energize your love for God by opening your eyes afresh to the glory of his love, grace, and power.
"This book isn't about raising kids. It's about raising Moms. . ." says author, speaker, blogger, lunch packer, and sidewalk chalk artist Becky Kopitzke. In a Pinterest-perfect culture, you've likely sensed an accelerated pressure to measure up. Then you either weigh yourself down with guilt or become resigned--desensitized, even--to this so-called failure. The Supermom Myth--with humor and grace, yet all the while maintaining a firm grasp on reality--aims to empower you to become the mom God created you to be.